Ebook Herunterladen , by Jim Thompson
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, by Jim Thompson

Ebook Herunterladen , by Jim Thompson
Ist , By Jim Thompson Ihr Lieblings-Boom suchen zur Zeit? Es ist wirklich nicht vorhersehbar, dass wir teilen, was Sie viel verlangen. Aber, wie einer der fertigen Veröffentlichung Internet-Seiten, wir werden sicherlich all Buch Arten geben, Themen, Sammlungen von erfahrenen Autoren, Autoren und Autoren in dieser Welt. Auf diese Weise könnten Sie nicht überraschen. Ja, von dieser Website nach Titel oder Autor suchen, könnten Sie das Buch erforderlich finden.
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 472 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 224 Seiten
Verlag: Orion; Auflage: New Ed (27. Mai 2010)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.0 von 5 Sternen
9 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#239.791 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
While I read "Killer Inside of Me" a few months ago I can barely remember much about it. This novel was originally released in the 1950's when it was probably a very shocking book.At that time very few, if any, writers were writing about sociopaths (except maybe Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood" - which by the way, is STILL an excellent novel) so maybe Jim Thompson struck a nerve however in today's society where sociopath is a common word and to see violence all we need do is turn on the local news - this novel seems bland and outdated.While Thompson used some amazing techniques to talk about the killer inside deputy Lou Ford, the inner monologue can sometimes be tedious. Like Hitchcock, Thompson used the first person narrative to show how normal Lou seems to the world and how rational he is about the killing. He makes the reader take Lou's side instead of seeing him as a monster.This novel is certainly a good read if you remember when it was written and that it is probably the basis for many of the popular murder mystery novels today and Thompson is one of a few writers that paved the way for today's popular authors.I read a bunch of the other reviews here and was surprised to see people raving about how amazing the book is. I must say I don't agree. This book is a decent read, less interesting in the sense of the plot but more interesting when looked at in the context of it's place within the "History of Mystery".
While I read "Killer Inside of Me" a few months ago I can barely remember much about it. This novel was originally released in the 1950's when it was probably a very shocking book.At that time very few, if any, writers were writing about sociopaths (except maybe Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood" - which by the way, is STILL an excellent novel) so maybe Jim Thompson struck a nerve however in today's society where sociopath is a common word and to see violence all we need do is turn on the local news - this novel seems bland and outdated.While Thompson used some amazing techniques to talk about the killer inside deputy Lou Ford, the inner monologue can sometimes be tedious. Like Hitchcock, Thompson used the first person narrative to show how normal Lou seems to the world and how rational he is about the killing. He makes the reader take Lou's side instead of seeing him as a monster.This novel is certainly a good read if you remember when it was written and that it is probably the basis for many of the popular murder mystery novels today and Thompson is one of a few writers that paved the way for today's popular authors.I read a bunch of the other reviews here and was surprised to see people raving about how amazing the book is. I must say I don't agree. This book is a decent read, less interesting in the sense of the plot but more interesting when looked at in the context of it's place within the "History of Mystery".
Jim Thomson, in my case, seemed to come out of nowhere. I don't know for what reason and I don't know why now .. but I also don't think I want to know. In hindsight, I'd like to think it was fate.I remember sitting down in one of the bookstore's aisles, (mystery I suppose), trying to make the decision between purchasing Norman Mailer's most recent "opus" and Tom Wolfe's latest "era-defining novel," when something caught my eye. It was a flash of color, a bright shade of orange, which actually turned out to be the spine of a book. It was then that I read the title: "The Killer Inside Me." The title intrigued me even more and in a matter of seconds I placed both of the novels I had been holding on the shelf and took this short 'surprise' with me to the cashier.Two days later, I had finished one of the most enjoyable, thought-provoking 'genre-books' I had ever read.The story is told in the first-person narrative which heavily influences the suspense of the story. The main character is Lou Ford, a deputy sheriff in a small, middle-of-nowhere Texas town of Central City. The thing with Lou is that he is a sociopath...and more importantly, he knows he is a sociopath. To hide this "sickness", as he puts it, that he's carried with him since childhood, he makes himself appear bland, dim-witted, and his conversations are drowned in cliches. However, this sickness that Lou has tried so desperately to hide is about to resurface again, and the aftermath of this explosion inside him isn't very pretty.The course of the novel is one that would better serve the reader if left unsaid by a reviewer such as myself, so I feel this is all I will reveal of the book's content.I will leave you with this. There is a part within the novel where a character states, "A weed is just a plant out of place," and then adds, "If I placed a hollyhock in a cornfield, it would be considered a weed. But if I put it in my front yard, it's a flower. You get what I'm sayin'?"...and this affected me. How something so hackneyed and simple could strike a reader such as myself remains a mystery. But it did. The same goes for the story. Jim Thomson is an excellent writer and my sole regret is not finding out about his work until now.True talent.
Long before teenage slasher flicks gave us the killer's-eye-view, Jim Thompson wrote "The Killer Inside Me," the first-person story of Lou Ford, the seemingly humble deputy of a small town in Texas. But Lou's got a couple deep, dark secrets and a past that'll curl your hair. There's no looking off-camera in "The Killer Inside Me," but rather a creepy intimacy that has you wondering whether to sympathize with the guy or not. Sure he's nuts, but he makes it all sound so *reasonable*, so matter-of-fact. Along the way, Thompson cranks up the dramatic irony as more of the locals begin to suspect and close in on Lou, building the story to a pitch that can only lead to a truly horrific act, like all good serial killer narratives inevidably do. The title of this deceptively simple work of 1950's maniac pulp is perhaps misleading-- After 240 pages there's no denying that it's us who are inside the killer.
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